Live your best Life as a destination wedding photographer!

Destination Wedding Photography Mini Course

Destination Wedding


Your fabulous life as a successful Destination Wedding Photographer starts now!

We have created a course that takes you through 4 modules & the steps you need to become a destination wedding photographer:

*Module 1: Show what you want to shoot
*Module 2:Connect with industry professionals
*Module 3: Identify Your ideal client
*Module 4: Backend - website & Social Media.

We know this works because we both did it & we we are so excited to help you create a dream life too!


Ready to BE a SUCCESSFUL destination wedding PHOTOGRAPHER?

Are you tired of shooting the same old cookie cutter weddings in your local market, year after year at low prices?

Do you feel yourself losing your lust for the career you once held such an intense desire to do?

Are you ready to embark on a FAB adventure that combines your passion for wedding photography with the opportunity to travel the world and actually make a living while doing it?

You Got This!

What if we told you that in addition to traveling the globe and shooting gorgeous weddings in the most picturesque locations from the Amalfi Coast to the beaches of Mexico... You could even bring your families with... ultimately creating unforgettable vacations and memories to last a lifetime & of course be payed well while doing this?

  • Would that excite you?
  • Would you believe it can happen?
  • What is your dream location?
  • Are you ready to book your very first destination wedding?

Well look no further our fabulous friends, because we have the PERFECT solution for you.

Introducing our Destination Wedding Photography Mini Course where we teach you the 4 steps to making this life yours! You can do this!

We know because we did it and we will teach you how!

Why our course ROCKS?!

Let us enlighten you a bit about the incredible benefits:

    • You will learn from two hilarious REAL LIFE destination wedding photographer mamas who are doing exactly what we’re preaching and keep growing by doing this! We travel the world with our kiddos every year and have shared some of the most incredible moments while simultaneously making money!
    • Our course is designed to show you exactly how we built the life we’ve imagined. We will share our many years of experience, insider tips, and techniques, ensuring that you receive the best education possible  & ultimately will help you book destination weddings in your dream locations. 
    • We don’t believe in all of the “fluff” we seem to find in our industry!! You can’t just attend a workshop in a gorgeous location and hope to book a destination wedding with some pretty images from the workshop! There is so much more than posting destination images on Instagram and crossing your fingers to get that inquiry. 
    • Explore the World: Imagine jetting off to stunning locations across the globe, capturing love stories in the most romantic settings. From the crystal-clear waters of the Maldives to the enchanting castles of Europe, your photography journey will take you to places you’ve only dreamed of. IT IS POSSIBLE! And we are living proof… We have shot some of the most beautiful weddings in EPIC locations all over our FAV Italia, France, Spain, Switzerland, the UK, Sweden, Mexico and the Caribbean! 
    • Make Money Doing What You Love and Make Even More Money With Destination Weddings. Sandra went from shooting local Scandinavian weddings at low prices to high end luxury weddings all over Europe and later the world! And with destination weddings being in high demand, there is a tremendous opportunity to enter into the market right now! Our course will guide you on how to market yourself, attract clients, build connections with global wedding industry professionals, and ultimately to help your create that dream life.
About Chrissy & Sandra

We are the two BFF photographers here to bring the KNOWLEDGE, SASS, STYLE, and SPARK to Destination Wedding Photography Education!

The Pastel Shitshow | aka. Sandra Aberg Meet Sandra: Hey there! I’m Sandra Åberg, the creative force behind an internationally acclaimed wedding photography biz based in Europe & I shoot weddings all around the world. My dreamy, romantic, pastel-colored, and ethereal shots have graced the pages of VOGUE, Brides, and many more. I would say that I am more of the light and airy part of our FAB DOU… as I am all about the romance of the day!

The Loud American | aka. Chrissy Gilmartin Meet Chrissy: Hey Y’all!! I’m Chrissy… a Southern California & Italian Destination Wedding and Portrait Photographer!! I can be described as a super BLONDE, over caffeinated, tattoo loving mama… on the prowl, and seeking the real deal! I am definitely all about the FUN on wedding day and strive to really bring our couples out of their shell!! I would say I am more of the “let’s get jiggy with it” part of our duo, and it’s my goal to make sure that everyone is FEELING GOOD!

Ready to Start Your Journey?

Enroll now and take those first steps towards an exciting very successful career as a destination wedding photographer! Join Sandra and Chrissy in this FAB learning experience that combines a crazy amount of laughs, a huge dose of passion, and a whole lotta professional expertise… That will ultimately propel you into the life of your dreams!


According to The Knot, 18% of couples hosted a destination wedding last year, and Research and Markets’ 2023 Destination Wedding Global Market  Report recently stated the destination wedding industry brought in $7 billion more in 2023, than it did in 2022… growing from $21 billion to $28 billion!! 

This is the PERFECT time to jump in, head first, and start preparing yourself to live the life you never thought possible!

Now is the time to seize this incredible opportunity.

Do NOT let fear or doubt hold you back from living your DREAM LIFE!! 

Our goal with this mini course was to make it as affordable as possible, to show you how a minimal amount of investment and a love for life, can truly transform your current reality!!


We were once 2 women, just like you, sitting at our computers, dreaming of something more… dreaming of the day that we would have the opportunity to travel to far off lands, and photograph amazing weddings!! 

Two women, 9,000 miles across the world from each other had the same dream… never really believing at the time it could be done… and if we can do it… SO CAN YOU!! You are worth it!! 

Your happiness and zest for life is worth it! Your SOUL is worthy of it… Don’t ever forget that!

What our Students are Saying…

I have taken SO many photography courses over my career and I can tell you without a doubt that THIS ONE has been the most entertaining EVER!! Unlike so many other courses I’ve done, Chrissy and Sandra tell it like it really is… and I can’t remember ever laughing so hard! These girls are no nonsense and really made me believe that I CAN book a destination wedding. I love the steps are so easy to follow and I can’t thank you enough for making me believe it’s possible to reach my dreams. 

– Ashely

This course changed my life! Not only did I learn valuable skills that actually worked and were easy to implement, but Sandra and Chrissy made every lesson so fun and engaging. 

I booked my first destination wedding within months of completing the course and putting in the time to implement it was so much fun. Paris wedding is coming up and I’m so thankful to you girls! <3 

– Maria

Enroll in our Destination Wedding Photography Mini Course TODAY 

and unlock a world of possibilities! 

This course is for you of you are dreaming of shooting destination weddings all over the world or want to expand your current destination weddings to more places. 

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When you join today, you will receive:

  1. 1,5 hours of REAL INFORMATION.
  2. 4 Modules & 4 steps you need to be a successful destination wedding Photographer. All the details.
  3. A Vendor Collaboration Email Template fully editable and ready to use for making connections with Destination Vendors.  that actually works… It made Chrissy book her very first destination wedding!
  4. YOUR IDEAL CLIENT questionnaire is essential for you to complete to fully
    understand who your clients are & how to attract them.
  5. A Destination Wedding Day Timeline for when you book that first
    Destination Wedding!
  6. Backend Checklist with all you need to get SEO and website on point. 
  7. Our Gypsy Chicks Exclusive Facebook Community to connect with others & even trade weddings as you are growing. Think about it your local wedding is a gem for someone else and vise versa. We have seen magic happen with this. 




A Wedding Contract Template, created for Sandra, by an attorney and photographer so you are set… this one bonus alone costs over $150 but we will include it if you buy today!




It will never again be sold at this price! 

TODAY is the day Y’all!

Don’t wait to pursue your dream career. Click the button NOW to enroll in our course and start living that bad ass life you’ve always wanted!
We BELIEVE in you!
We have FAITH in you!
Now it’s time for you to have that same BELIEF in yourself!!

Don’t wait any longer… your dream life awaits!

Hugs and High Fives,

Chrissy and Sandra


All the Pretty Little Details…

This course was designed for ANY photographer looking to jump into the FAB life of destination weddings. Whether you’ve booked multiple destination weddings already, or you have yet to book ANY destination weddings… this course takes you from STEP ONE on the journey of exactly what you need to start doing TODAY, to start booking those destination weddings! Any and all levels of expertise are welcome here. DO NOT WORRY if you only have a few weddings under your belt!! These steps are exactly what both Chrissy and Sandra implanted in their businesses years ago to book their very first Destination Weddings. Follow the process… IT WORKS!! In fact, Chrissy shot her very first wedding EVER, as a 2nd shooter in Italy of all places!! She went from shooting family sessions in Socal to shooting a fairytale wedding in Castellebate, Italia! If she can do it, YOU CAN TOO!! Sandra went FROM LOCAL UNDERPRICED WEDDINGS in Scandinavia to TO WEDDINGS ALL OVER EUROPE & THE WORLD using these exact steps. 

Look we aren’t going to sugar coat it… the reality is that if you put the work in… and follow the steps we have laid out for you… IT WILL WORK! That’s all there is to it!! YOU are the master of your life… only YOU can tell yourself if this will work for you! Anyone can buy a course, but at the end of the day it’s not just about buying the course! It’s about showing up and putting in the work!! We created this course to make it SO MUCH EASIER!! With both of us being completely self taught… we spent hundreds and hundreds of hours when we first started trying to learn everything we could!! So we know what works… and what is a waste of time… and unlike many other course that put all of the focus on pretty venues, and amazing locations… we give it you REAL! No BS here… Just the truth and reality of what you need to focus on to book those destination weddings!! 

Once you purchase the course you will receive an email with all of the information you need to log in and start!! The Video Course is roughly 1.5 Hours in length and is broken down into 4 different modules. These are the basics for where you will need to get started!! We have gone out of our way to make sure that it is entertaining, and most importantly REAL! I cannot tell you how many course we have taken over the years that were literally SO BORING, and filled with mindless information on boring slideshows that had us wanting to bank our head againt the wall! FOR REAL… This video will have you laughing, maybe a bit too much lol… but most importantly it will be breaking down for you step by step everything we did to get to where we are today! Learning should be fun & exciting as your new life as a DESTINATION WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER!

The course is roughly 1.5 hours in length from start to finish… however in terms of implementing what you have learned and putting it into action… that’s all on you babes!! The reality is that you’re going to get out of it, what you put into it!! We recommend spending a few hours a week to start, to start putting the information into ACTION. Included in the course will be an outline of everything we’ve gone over, so that you don’t have to worry about taking incessant notes the entire time… and it also comes with an email template for you to USE immediately to get things going… as well as a few other tools that are PARAMOUNT in helping you starting to book those dreamy destination weddings!! 

Look we get it!! Like for REAL… we KNOW the industry is crazy slow right now… And anyone who tells you it’s not is LYING. End of Story!! We’re sure you will find ALL kinds of photography educators out there telling you to buy their course, and “ You too can be fully booked all year long” like they are… Well, we call BS!! Sorry not sorry y’all! The reality is that the pandemic threw us ALL for a curve… The whole 3 year lifespan problem of first date to engagement, basically made 2023 through the current quite difficult for us ALL! YES, 2021 and 2022 were most likely pretty busy for y’all! They were for us too… with all of the re-schedules from the pandemic, we were all running on fumes from rescheduled weddings… but now that most of us have shot those weddings, we are in limbo waiting for all of the couples who FINALLY started dating in 2022 to start getting engaged!! 

SO with that said, YES babes… NOW is the time to start working on implementing THIS COURSE, so that you can book destination weddings in 2024 and beyond!! According to the industry statistics, bookings and engagements are posed to start rebounding and growing again SOON! Slowly but surely, we can all expect to get back to our “normal” and in the next several years we should see the industry coming back!! That is why NOW is the time to do this course!! We all know that when we are crazy booked and shooting 20-40 weddings a year, there is ZERO time to do anything other than, shoot, edit, have a mental breakdown, and REPEAT!! 

SO why not do something for YOU?!?! Something that will lead you one step closer to really living the life YOU desire… Something that will help you actually have PASSION again for your career!! Something 1000% for you and your mental health! 

It is NOT a pipe dream… it is NOT only for “everyone else”… it is NOT only for super experienced wedding photographers who have been shooting for years… you CAN DO IT!! 


And let’s be real… a dinner and drinks out with your babes will cost you far more than the cost of this course… While so many other photographers are out there selling course for well over $1000, we wanted to make this course SUPER affordable. We were there… we were you… we were googling and you tubing everything we could get our hands on when we started… and WE both wished we had two crazy REAL chicks there to tell us what to do, and more importantly what NOT to do when we first started!! 

So,  forgo that night out with the babes… skip a few weeks of Starbucks, and do something for YOU!! You are worth it… we know this… do you? 

You have lifetime access Baby! 

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